Report a Bug 🐛
If you believe Adalo is not behaving as expected, fill out the information below and the Adalo Team will investigate the issue as soon as possible!
Before submitting a support ticket, we encourage you to review our Adalo | Statement of Support to learn about all the ways our support team is able to assist and what is outside the scope of our support.
If you are looking for assistance with your app that falls outside of the the scope of our support team, the Adalo Maker Community is a great way to engage with other makers & get your questions about Adalo answered! We also have robust Help documentation, YouTube tutorials, our recently launched Adalo | App Academy, and a group of Adalo Experts who can help design or build your app.
If you are looking for assistance with your app that falls outside of the the scope of our support team, the Adalo Maker Community is a great way to engage with other makers & get your questions about Adalo answered! We also have robust Help documentation, YouTube tutorials, our recently launched Adalo | App Academy, and a group of Adalo Experts who can help design or build your app.