Working with Lists

Images in Lists

To display images in a list you will have to create a custom list.

  1. Select the components which you want to use to display your list of records and lay them out.

  2. Select all components using command (mac)/control (pc) + the shift or shift and your mouse to select.

  3. The left slider will give you an option to Make a List, select this

  4. Choose what data to display.

  5. Set your design accordingly.

  6. Click on components within the list (very bottom accordion)

  7. Click the Image component

    1. Image Source = URL

    2. URL = Magic Text: fields > attachments > url

    3. Choose your cropping based on your design

  8. On the left slider top arrow go back to your list

Select your next components and input the fields as you need, with the use of the magic text feature.


Filtering Airtable Lists

With lists connected to external Airtable collections, you have a lot of options for filtering your list so that it only displays a subset of records from Airtable.

To filter your List that's connected to an Airtable collection, first select the list, and then in the right panel after you've selected the airtabel collection, click the Add Filter button

Then for the name of the filter enter "filterByFormula"

For the value of the formula, you can use any formula supported by Airtable. The list will display any records from Airtable where the formula is true. Any records where the formula is false will be filtered out.


For example, if you just wanted to show Trips where the Name was Hawaii, the value of your filter would be the following formula:

({Name} = 'Hawaii')

*Whatever is inside of the curly brackets should be the name of the column in Airtable.

**Whatever is inside of the single quotes is what you want the filter to look for. You can also use magic text in these filters like in the example below:



Below are some common formulas:
  • Name field = Hawaii

    • ({Field Name} = 'Hawaii')

  • Name field isn't empty

    • NOT({Name} = '')

  • Field Contains Hawaii

    • Search('Hawaii', {Field Name})

  • Field does not contain Hawaii

    • NOT(Search('Hawaii', {Field Name}))

  • Field is greater than 17

    • ({Field Name} > 17)


Limiting the Number of List Items

If your base in Airtable has lots of rows, but you only want to display the first few of them in a list in your Adalo app, you can do that by adding filters to the list component.

1) Add a list component to your screen in Adalo

2) With the list selected, in the left panel, choose the External Collection to connect the list to.

3) Click the Add Filter button

4) For the Name of the filter, enter "maxRecords"

5) For the value of the filter, enter the number of items you want to appear in your list, ie 5


Sorting Airtable Lists

To sort a list connected to an external Airtable collection, you need to add two filters to the list

1) With the list selected, in the left panel, make sure the list is connected to an external collection

2) Click the Add Filter button

3) For the Name of this first filter, enter "sort[0][field]"

4) For the Value of this filter, enter the name of the column in Airtable you want to sort by. Note: If your column name has any spaces or special characters, you don't need to do anything special to encode them. Adalo will take care of this automatically for you.


5) Click the Done button to collapse the first filter, and then click the Add Filter button to add the second filter.

6) For the Name of this second filter, enter "sort[0][direction]"

7) For the Value of this filter, enter either "asc" or "desc" depending on whether you want to sort ascending (ie smallest to largest / alphabetical) or descending (ie largest to smallest / reverse-alphabetical)