1. Integrations


Mixpanel is a product analytics platform that let's you understand how your users are using your App. With Mixpanel, you can answer questions like, "Which features are the most popular?" or "How fast is my user base growing?"

Adalo makes this integration easy. All you have to do is paste your Mixpanel API key into Adalo, and we take care of the rest. Adalo will automatically log every user action in your app, so you can see user signups, which screens are the most popular, and what your users do on those screen.

Signup for a Mixpanel Account

1) Go to Mixpanel and signup for a free account if you don't already have one.

2) During the sign up process, you can click the "Next" button to skip the initial screens like the one below

Get your Mixpanel Token

1) On your Mixpanel home screen, click your Name in the upper right corner to open your account menu, and then click "Profile & Preferences"


2) In the left panel, click on Projects, then copy your Token

Add your Mixpanel Token to Adalo

1) In your Adalo app's left tool bar, click the Settings Tab, and then paste in your Mixpanel Token where it says, you know, Mixpanel Token.

Gain Insights in Mixpanel

Once your app has been connected to Mixpanel, your app will automatically begin sending user data to Mixpanel. Note: Actions taken in the Preview of the app will not be logged, so that your Test data doesn't impact your metrics.

You can then create reports and charts in Mixpanel, like this one below that show which screens are most popular: