1. Actions


Link actions connect a component (such as a button, or list item) to another screen.

Types of Links
  • Existing Screen

    • From the Link action menu, you can select any other screen in your app to link to

  • New Screen

    • If you want your action to link to a screen you haven't created yet, you can select "New Screen..." from the menu.

    • A modal will appear asking you to pick a name a template for your new screen. Once you've done that, your link action will be linked to your new screen.

  • Back

    • This is a special link that automatically take the user back to whatever screen they were previously one. Most often this is used with a back arrow icon in an app bar. Back links are especially helpful if there is more than one way a user can get to the current screen. The back link also automatically sets the link transition for you to be the reverse of the transition that led the user to the current screen.

  • Website


With Link Actions, you can also specify the type of transition the user sees when the move from one page to the next. For example, the screen could slide to the left or come up from the bottom. By default the transition will be set to push, which is the most commonly used. If you are linking to a Modal, you should select the transition type of -- you guessed it -- Modal.