1. Tutorials

How to make a list your users can filter


In this example, we will make a list of Trips where your app users can filter by Trip Category

Set up your database
  1. Create a Trips collection with a Name property

  2. Create a Category collection with a Name property. (Note: Whatever dropdowns you want your users to filter by needs to be its collection)

  3. On your Trips collection, add a relationship property so that each trip is related to one Category

Set up your screen
  1. Add a Simple List to your screen

    1. Click the plus button to open the add panel

    2. Scroll down and expand the "List" category

    3. Select and drag a Simple List on to your screen

    4. Set the list to be a list of Trips

    5. Set the subtitle to be Magic Text for the Current Trip's Category Name

  2. Add a Dropdown menu to your screen

    1. Click the plus button to open the add panel

    2. Scroll down and expand the "Forms & Fields" category

    3. Select and drag a Dropdown menu on to your screen

    4. Set the dropdown's menu options to be Categories



3. Add a the user's dropdown selection as a filter to your list

  1. Select the List

  2. In the left edit panel, select "Add another filter"

  3. Select Category > Name

  4. Change the filter comparison from "Is equal to" to "Contains"

  5. In the third part of the filter, open the menu, select Form Inputs > Select > Name