1. Tutorials

How to Embed Video or Audio (YouTube, Vimeo, SoundCloud)

Do you want to showcase your videos or audio via YouTube, Vimeo, Soundcloud or frankly any embeddable link? Follow along and see how it's done.


Steps: 1) In your database create a text type property to input the link 2) Ensure that your link is the embeded version, example: https://youtube.com/embed/videoID (https://www.youtube.com/embed/qicS8eZh-cs) 3) Click Add a Component 4) Search for Web View and select it 5) Drag and resize the Web View component to fit your design 6) Use the magic text button to input the property field from you database

  • How to find the embed link in YouTube

  • How to find the embed link in Vimeo

  • How to find the embed link in SoundCloud